When are the prayer times today in Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah?
Salah (or Salat), the second pillar of Islam, consists of five daily prayers. These prayers are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. It is important to know the Islamic prayers times in Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah because they must be done according to the exact position of the sun in the sky. As a result, these times will vary from day to day.
Today, islamic prayers in Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah happen at the following times (according to Muslim World League calculation method):
- Fajr (dawn prayer): 05:51
- Dhuhr (noon prayer): 11:59
- Asr (afternoon prayer): 14:00
- Maghrib (dusk prayer): 16:18
- Isha (sunset prayer): 18:02
Salah is sometimes referred to as Namaz and the times of Namaz in Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah are listed below. For times of prayer for tomorrow and next days please refer to the timetable below.
Azan prayers timing
The Azan is a signal inviting worshipers to attend the prayer. It is given five times per day prior to each prayer. The call is delivered by the Muezzin.
Listed below are the Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah Salah times for the next 30 days. Please check these times daily for the most up-to-date time.
The times listed below have been determined by the Muslim World League calculation method.
Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Dec 29, 2024 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:18 | 18:02 |
Dec 30, 2024 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:01 | 14:01 | 16:18 | 18:02 |
Dec 31, 2024 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:01 | 14:02 | 16:19 | 18:03 |
Jan 1, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:02 | 14:03 | 16:20 | 18:04 |
Jan 2, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:02 | 14:04 | 16:21 | 18:05 |
Jan 3, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:02 | 14:05 | 16:22 | 18:06 |
Jan 4, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:03 | 14:06 | 16:23 | 18:07 |
Jan 5, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:41 | 12:03 | 14:07 | 16:24 | 18:08 |
Jan 6, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:40 | 12:04 | 14:08 | 16:25 | 18:09 |
Jan 7, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:40 | 12:04 | 14:09 | 16:26 | 18:10 |
Jan 8, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:40 | 12:05 | 14:10 | 16:28 | 18:11 |
Jan 9, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:40 | 12:05 | 14:11 | 16:29 | 18:12 |
Jan 10, 2025 | 05:51 | 07:39 | 12:05 | 14:12 | 16:30 | 18:13 |
Jan 11, 2025 | 05:50 | 07:39 | 12:06 | 14:13 | 16:31 | 18:14 |
Jan 12, 2025 | 05:50 | 07:38 | 12:06 | 14:14 | 16:33 | 18:15 |
Jan 13, 2025 | 05:50 | 07:38 | 12:07 | 14:15 | 16:34 | 18:16 |
Jan 14, 2025 | 05:50 | 07:37 | 12:07 | 14:16 | 16:35 | 18:17 |
Jan 15, 2025 | 05:49 | 07:37 | 12:07 | 14:17 | 16:36 | 18:18 |
Jan 16, 2025 | 05:49 | 07:36 | 12:08 | 14:19 | 16:38 | 18:19 |
Jan 17, 2025 | 05:48 | 07:35 | 12:08 | 14:20 | 16:39 | 18:20 |
Jan 18, 2025 | 05:48 | 07:35 | 12:08 | 14:21 | 16:40 | 18:21 |
Jan 19, 2025 | 05:47 | 07:34 | 12:09 | 14:22 | 16:42 | 18:23 |
Jan 20, 2025 | 05:47 | 07:33 | 12:09 | 14:23 | 16:43 | 18:24 |
Jan 21, 2025 | 05:46 | 07:32 | 12:09 | 14:25 | 16:45 | 18:25 |
Jan 22, 2025 | 05:45 | 07:31 | 12:09 | 14:26 | 16:46 | 18:26 |
Jan 23, 2025 | 05:45 | 07:30 | 12:10 | 14:27 | 16:48 | 18:28 |
Jan 24, 2025 | 05:44 | 07:29 | 12:10 | 14:28 | 16:49 | 18:29 |
Jan 25, 2025 | 05:43 | 07:28 | 12:10 | 14:29 | 16:50 | 18:30 |
Jan 26, 2025 | 05:42 | 07:27 | 12:10 | 14:31 | 16:52 | 18:31 |
Jan 27, 2025 | 05:41 | 07:26 | 12:11 | 14:32 | 16:53 | 18:33 |
Jan 28, 2025 | 05:41 | 07:25 | 12:11 | 14:33 | 16:55 | 18:34 |
How are prayer times calculated for Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah?
The prayer times of each of the five prayers are determined by the specific position of the sun in the sky. The Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah Salah times typically change daily, the prayer times will be different on each day. Usually, the time only varies by a minute per day but some days will have the same time for multiple days consecutively. Because of the changing times, it is important to check the prayer schedule each day.
Why is it important to know exact prayer times in Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah?
Since prayer times are dictated by the position of the sun, the precise times must be adhered to. A prayer must never be performed earlier than the set time. Each prayer is directed to be performed at a certain, specific, exact time.
Cities near Hrastovec v Slov. Goricah
- Močna
Lenart - Spodnja Voličina
Lenart - Varda
Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah - Lenart v Slov. Goricah
Lenart - Zgornja Voličina
Duplek - Zgornje Partinje
Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah - Ruperče
Pesnica - Zavrh
Lenart - Zimica
Duplek - Jurovski Dol
Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah - Vukovje
Pesnica - Zgornja Korena
Duplek - Pernica
Pesnica - Žikarce
Duplek - Spodnji Porčič
Sv. Trojica v Slov. Goricah - Nadbišec
Sv. Trojica v Slov. Goricah - Spodnji Gasteraj
Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah - Zgornji Žerjavci
Lenart - Malna
Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah - Trčova
Prayer times in other cities of Slovenia
- Ljubljana
Ljubljana - Maribor
Maribor - Celje
Celje - Kranj
Kranj - Velenje
Velenje - Koper
Koper-Capodistria - Novo Mesto
Novo Mesto - Ptuj
Ptuj - Trbovlje
Trbovlje - Kamnik
Kamnik - Jesenice
Jesenice - Nova Gorica
Nova Gorica - Domžale
Domžale - Škofja Loka
Škofja Loka - Murska Sobota
Murska Sobota - Izola
Izola-Isola - Postojna
Postojna - Logatec
Logatec - Kočevje
Kočevje - Vrhnika